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Gregory Zatka

  • BIM Referent
  • EuroAirport
  • Saint-Louis, France

Meet Gregory

Tell me about yourself and what you specialize in. I’m passionate about modeling real estate and technical assets in their geographical context. Above all, I seek to decompartmentalize information and make it accessible to colleagues.

Why do you love working in the construction industry? I like to see the long-term changes in a building. It’s like a human being, you only realize these evolutions when you take the time to look at photos from the past and see that you’ve changed. But in our heads, we’re still that carefree teenager.

What topics and trends are you most passionate about in the industry? Field data acquisition using IOT or 3D scanner or photogrammetry.

What advice would you give to the next generation preparing for the future of the industry? Be curious, adaptable and model to build a sustainable building knowing that it will evolve.

About Gregory

Your Superpower The ability to understand people’s needs

What Motivates You Make information reliable and easily accessible

Tool You Can’t Live Without Mouse computer

Best Artist/Song for Work Creedence Clearwater Revival

Jobsite or Office Office

More from Gregory

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