Change Order Tracking Icon – two-way arrow in a sheet of paper.

Simplify and streamline change management processes.

Gain clear visibility into the impacts of changes on the overall construction project budget while managing all aspects of the change order process in a single platform.

Understand the extent and impact of change orders.

Provide an at-a-glance view of all potential change orders, their type, scope, source, status and cost-related impacts. Associate cost items with hierarchical build-ups to detail the effects of a change and connect to budget items and contracts through an all-in-one change order management software.

Construction Change Order Tracking Software.

Streamline construction change order workflows.

Streamline upstream and downstream change order workflows, creating clear accountability and ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Connect project and cost management and track the origin of construction changes by elevating an RFI to a Potential Change Order.

Change Order Management software with a linked RFI

Automate and standardise documentation.

Get high-quality construction change order documentation out the door faster. Leverage customised document templates and create a standard documentation format for distribution. Save time and auto-generate documents needed during the change order process.

Construction change order documentation in Construction Change Order Tracking Software.

Integrate change order data into the budget.

Immediately view the impact of changes and get a real-time view of the project’s financial health. Approved change order data automatically syncs with the budget and relevant payment applications.

Construction Change Order Tracking Software

Streamline RFQs.

Aligning the approved cost impact of a change order often leads to delays. When a change order arises, validating the cost impact quickly keeps the project moving. Send an RFQ out to multiple suppliers in a single, simple workflow when a potential change order is recognised. Group suppliers into cohorts to simplify the process and ensure the right suppliers are notified.

Construction request for quotation for change order in Construction Change Order Tracking Software.

See Change Management in action.


Comprehensive site and project management software that delivers a broad, deep and connected set of tools for builders in an easy-to-adopt, highly configurable solution.