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AI for Construction

Explore the forefront of building innovation with Autodesk AI

Leverage Autodesk artificial intelligence to help automate everyday construction workflows and surface insights to streamline decision making.

Construction risk management

With Autodesk AI, teams get the benefit of real-time risk analytics for earlier visibility into high-risk issues and RFIs. Earlier access gives more time to consider alternatives. The earlier these risks are resolved the more teams can prevent costly downstream impacts.

AI for construction risk management

Document management

Simplify file management with the ability to instantly extract title block information from drawings or automatically section a specification. Additionally, leverage Construction IQ during the design review process to predict high risk design issues.

AI for construction document management

Construction AI Trends: How Intelligence is Transforming the Industry.

Bid management and qualification

Improve organization and streamline bidding with Autodesk AI powered features like automatic bidder recommendations based on location and trade expertise as well as bid forwarding to help subcontractors manage and group bid invitations.

AI for construction bid management

Quantification and estimating

Minimize mundane and tedious tasks during takeoff with AI powered features like automated symbol detection to easily identify and bulk count symbols on a drawing.

AI for construction quantification & estimating

Project management

Speed up submittal workflows with the ability to generate automated submittal logs as well as suggest missing submittals from a specification. Increase visibility and take action to resolve high risk RFI’s with Construction IQ.

Construction cost management software for cost budgeting

Quality and safety

Analyze and prioritize high risk quality and safety issues with Construction IQ. Easily find relevant photos with automatic photo tagging for safety or quality reviews, progress tracking offsite, payment verification or historical reference.

AI for construction quality & safety

See AI for construction in action

Construction IQ

Analyze project data to identify and prioritize design, quality, safety, and project control risks.

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Automatically identify potentially missing submittal items before construction starts.

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Automated Symbol Detection

Easily identify and bulk count symbols to save time and minimize manual takeoff processes.

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Take a deep dive into Autodesk AI for construction.

How Autodesk AI Helps You Be More Efficient

Overview of Autodesk AI features within construction and how they can help teams with radical efficiency gains.

Reduce Risk with Construction IQ

Machine learning has been making waves in the construction industry. But what does that really mean and how are teams using this seemingly futuristic technology today?

Autodesk AI

At Autodesk we are investing in AI to help you do more, with less. Learn more about your AI-powered design and make partner .

Frequently Asked Questions for Autodesk AI for Construction Management
What is Autodesk AI?

Autodesk AI is technology available in Autodesk products and native to Autodesk’s Design and Make Platform. Autodesk AI augments design and engineering processes, automates tedious and repetitive work, and analyzes project data to offer predictive insights.   

What are the benefits of using Autodesk AI on a construction project?

Autodesk AI can bring numerous benefits to a construction project:

  • Radical efficiency gains - Whether it is in rapid iterative design and analysis, automated takeoff and submittals, or getting easier access to all project data, we can reuse time wasted on non-optimal work and improve productivity.

  • Earlier access to information - so that we can consider more alternatives and insights. And when we can get access to this information earlier on, it means that we can prevent more costly risk downstream.

  • Better decision making - Teams are armed with the information they need to make smart decisions, in a timely way, that minimizes risk throughout projects. When teams make better decisions, jobs are finished on time, within budget and everyone on the jobsite goes home safely at the end of each day.

Does Autodesk AI replace the need for human reviews?

Our customers are industry experts and this industry has a lot of variability across projects and regions. For the foreseeable future, we see opportunities for AI to automate, provide insights, and provide design alternatives, but always with the expert in control.​ AI will serve as a digital assistant, but the professional will still be the one giving instructions to the system, engineering prompts, making selections from various design alternatives that the system generates, and controlling the final product.

Who can benefit from using Autodesk AI for construction management?

Autodesk AI is beneficial for a wide range of professionals across all phases of the construction industry including project managers, site engineers, construction planners, architects, builders, contractors, and safety managers.